Dr. Leipziger has been a leader in the revival of infrastructure engagement inside the World Bank. He has spoken frequently on matters ranging from infrastructure and growth to infrastructure provision and distribution to private sector participation in infrastructure. An early proponent of a more balanced view of PPI experience, he was a leader in the Latin American region of such a review of policy and a proponent of a strong public sector role in infrastructure and its regulation. His published work has been cited in the revival of infrastructure lending in the World Bank and he is a frequent speaker on the topic. Recently, in the context of the Growth Commission, he led discussions on the needs for urban infrastructure and he has focused on the distributional inequities of service provision as being instrumental for growth and poverty goals. Of late, he has been vocal on the importance of infrastructure and logistics for export competitiveness and his teams at the Bank have produced a Logistics Perception Index that is increasingly cited. He is also leading a resurgence of trade related advice for individual countries that includes infrastructure prominently in its diagnostics. He has spoken on this topic at the WTO, at UNCTAD, at the OECD and in country.
Joint ICA/PPIAF Workshop, Rome, March 2009
Presentation at the Water Expo, Zaragoza, Spain, June 30, 2008
Danny Leipziger, Antonio Estache, and Andres Gomez-Lobo